Brodus Clay Shares a Great John Cena/WrestleMania Story, Tom Prichard Hosting WMania Pre-Show Today

Dr. Tom Prichard Hosting WMania Pre-Show Today

Dr. Tom Prichard is hosting a WrestleMania pre-show today (Saturday) at 1:00pm EST on It will be a live video show where the hosts run down the matches, give predictions, and more. Hosted by Tom, Jordan Coulson of Vegas Fuel Energy Drink, Frank Manzo and Joe Omega of Wrestle Reaction show, and Andrew Zarian of Guys From Queens radio network.

Brodus Clay Shares a Great John Cena & WrestleMania Story

Brodus Clay sat down with Brian Fritz of during the WrestleMania AXXESS events this week, and related a great story about John Cena and WrestleMania, which you can check out in the video below: