WWE Smackdown Results (3/22) – Orton & Sheamus Officially Name Partner, Fandango ‘Cuts In’ Again

Dolph Ziggler (w/ Big E Langston & AJ Lee) vs Kofi Kingston

Kofi rushes the corner and repeatedly kicks Dolph, then Dolph takes a cheap shot and drops Kofi with a neckbreaker before taunting him. Kofi punches him a few times and dropkicks him, then he hits a flying forearm and a Boom Drop before setting up Trouble In Paradise. Dolph counters with a clothesline as we go to a break, then we get back to see Kofi on the turnbuckles but Dolph jumps up and knocks him down. Dolph hits him a few times but Kofi hits him right back, then Dolph puts him in a headlock but Kofi breaks it and hits a few clotheslines.

Kofi hits a springboard crossbody for a near fall, then he goes for a springboard legdrop but Dolph gets his knees up and sets up a Zig Zag. Kofi throws him into the ropes but Dolph counters with a sleeperhold, then Kofi shoves him back into the turnbuckles and hits S.O.S. for a near fall. Dolph gets to the ropes and rolls outside, then Kofi tries to dive outside but Langston steps in his way so Kofi dives on him instead. Kofi stands up and turns into a legdrop bulldog by Dolph, then Dolph throws him into ring and connects with a Zig Zag for the win.

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter) vs Chris Jericho

Jericho hits a clothesline in the corner and knees him near the ropes, then he whips him across the ring but Swagger holds the ropes and rolls outside. Swagger regroups and gets back on the apron, but Jericho dropkicks him through the ropes and runs off Zeb before throwing Swagger back inside. Swagger takes out his knees and follows it with a shoulder block, then he taunts Jericho into getting up before hitting the ropes. Jericho counters with a dropkick for a near fall, then he sends Swagger into the ropes but Swagger catches him in the air and tackles him in the corner. (Cont'd…)