Wade Barrett

Stars in Progress: Swagger Down, Barrett Up, Hulk Hogan

Last night on Raw, I honestly think Wade Barrett looked and sounded the best he has in a long while. His interaction with Sheamus was great and although it’s still unclear whether the plan is for Sheamus to work with The Shield or Barrett at WrestleMania, WWE will certainly continue the Sheamus/Barrett program in some way, at some point, going forward.

My only concern – more a question, really – is where the IC Title fits into the picture.

WWE has a bad habit of ignoring the fact their midcard champions are just that…champions. The idea of Sheamus challenging Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship doesn’t seem likely to me. Therefore, why does Barrett have the belt in the first place? Sheamus is clearly a step up from Bo Dallas, but this program could have felt more like a main event program if Barrett wasn’t supposed to be a midcard champion.

That being said, the IC Title will receive the best program it’s had in years if Barrett and Sheamus do in fact battle it out for the gold.