JR Blog: Thoughts on New WWE Title, Colter/Swagger, Cena Putting His Title Shot on the Line

Jim RossJim Ross has posted a new blog over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some highlights:

The Rock unveiled the newly designed WWE Title of which has been a topical, Twitter subject @JRsBBQ. I've stated many times in the past, I'm not a title belt aficionado and have never invested much of my time on the design of any championship. I think classy, simple is better but, again, I won't lose any sleep over how a championship belt looks. Personalized Championship tittles are simply what they are. I always thought the old WCW Title belt was WAY too big as was the UWF Title back in the day while I still think that the Lou Thesz version of the NWA Title along with the Race, Funk, Brisco NWA title belt was  classy and cool. But again, I'm not your best source for an opinion on the Spinner Title or Rock's Brahma Bull Title. I'd say the same thing re: the Smoking Skull title as well in case you're wondering.

John Cena has put himself into a situation where he has every thing to lose and what to gain in his match with Punk next week? Curious to see how this is addressed. Perhaps it's as simply as Cena wanting to silence Punk and get the elusive win over the former WWE Champion that has escaped Cena.

Getting lots of Tweets regarding Zeb Colter's politically based comments and many feel that the comments are untimely. Isn't that what wrestling villains do, make inflammatory, controversial comments that strike a nerve with the audience? Same type of comments are made daily on a variety of news outlets so I'd suggest to the most vocal of critics to simply, 'Lighten Up Francis.' Zeb's TV persona is that of a political zealot who has controversial opinions. Zeb…if that is his real name.