WWE RAW Results (1/28) – RAW Roulette, The Rock’s Championship Address, Heyman’s Job Evaluation, Huge Return


By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

January 28th 2013

Vickie Guerrero welcomes everyone to tonight's show which will feature the return of RAW Roulette, and she spins the wheels and announces that Antonio Cesaro will face Randy Orton in a match with a special referee. Following this, CM Punk heads straight to the ring and says his reign will still continue, because he pinned The Rock last night and he never lost. Punk calls himself the new "people's champion" and he calls the fans liars, and he says they would cheer someone who cheated to win. He says he didn't need any help or have a match restarted, and Vince McMahon just screwed him over worse than Bret Hart in Montreal. 

Punk says they may want to celebrate Rock's win but he's going to crash the party, and he's the people's champion so he isn't going anywhere tonight. Vince McMahon cuts him off and says an anonymous source gave him proof of Punk's inclusion with The Shield, and they will look at the video later tonight. Paul Heyman asks for a moment but Vince says no way, then he says Heyman was also involved and he'll have a job review later. Vince says Heyman knew just as much as Punk, and when they all see the facts later on tonight, it may end up costing Heyman his job.

Randy Orton vs Antonio Cesaro

(w/ The Miz as Special Guest Referee)

We join the match in progress after a break, and Orton hits a suplex for two before Cesaro comes back with an uppercut and some body punches. Cesaro whips Orton across the ring but Orton counters with a clothesline, then he hits a side slam for another near fall before Cesaro rolls outside. Orton follows him and gets hit with a few punches, but he suplexes Cesaro into the barricade before uppercutting him on the apron. Orton tags him with another uppercut before stomping his chest, then he slingshots him throatfirst into the bottom rope to get a near fall. Cesaro fights back and they trade several uppercuts in the middle of the ring, then Cesaro stuns Orton with several uppercuts before he sends Orton into the ropes. (Cont'd…)