WWE Smackdown Results (12/14) – The Shield Attacks Again, Kofi vs Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus vs Cesaro

Rhodes Scholars vs The Usos

We join the match in progress after a commercial break, and Jimmy drops Cody with a right hand and sends him in the corner before tagging out. Cody snaps Jey's head on the ropes to stun him, then Sandow hits him behind the ref's back and Cody stomps him before tagging his partner. Sandow kicks him and hits a side Russian leg sweep, then he connects with the Elbow of Disdain before Cody hits a front suplex.

Cody punches Jimmy on the apron and kicks Jey in the corner, then he puts him in a seated full nelson but Jimmy elbows his way out of it. Jimmy stuns him with a kick to the stomach, then he floats over to counter a bodyslam and tags out, then Jey drops Sandow and Cody with some chops. Jey keeps it going with a Samoan drop and a running corner splash, then he tags Jimmy and they set up a top rope assisted splash. Cody tries to get involved so Jimmy throws him out of the ring, but Sandow uses the distraction to roll Jimmy up from behind and he steals the win.

Winners – Rhodes Scholars

David Otunga is shown going over a contract, and he says it's all there and the no contact clause says Big Show and Sheamus can't make any contact. Big Show says he knew he was right, and Sheamus hit him so he knows Booker T doesn't know what he's talking about. Otunga says Show has a valid claim, and they will take things up in the ring and deal with this publicly, to which Show smirks and says he likes this idea. They head to the ring and Show says the fans all saw what happened, and Sheamus put his hands on him and should lose his title shot. He says Sheamus hit him and Booker won't listen to him, but Booker might want to listen to his legal counsel, and he hands the mic to Otunga. (Cont'd…)