TNA Final Resolution PPV Results (12/9): Styles/Daniels Steal the Show, the Aces & Eights Attack & More!

TNA Final Resolution

December 9, 2012

Results by Mike Killam (@MikeKillam) for

Mike Tenay and Todd Kennelly welcome us to the Impact Zone in Orlando, FL after a video package, and we are live at Final Resolution! 

“The Cowboy” James Storm makes his way out to kick things off tonight, dressed to compete. He says that he promised to have Jeff Hardy’s back on Impact, and that’s exactly what happened. He talks about Bobby Roode giving the Aces & Eights a thumbs up, and challenges him to come down to the ring so he can look him right in the eyes, before he can punch him right in the face. He’s starts to say “sorry, about your damn…” but is interrupted not by Bobby Roode, but by Kazarian! 

Kaz comes out and the crowd starts chanting “where’s your boyfriend?” He talks about James Storm being a giant man-baby, and a drunk to top it all off. He tells him to cut his dime store Toby Keith routine and ride off into the sunshine. James Storm says that Kaz had all day long to think of a promo, and he came up with absolute crap. He says that where he comes from, they don’t like the sunshine because they’re too busy drinking the moonshine and the crowd chants “whoop his ass”. Storm challenges Kaz to the match, but tells him to go ask his boyfriend first, and the crowd really loves that. Kaz says there’s no referee and the match isn’t sanctioned. A referee stops Kaz on the ramp, and this match is on! 

(1) James Storm vs. Kazarian

This match doesn’t start right away, as Storm jumps his opponent on the ramp. They brawl around the ring until rolling in and getting this underway. Kaz backs Storm into the corner and stomps away. After a neckbreaker he locks in a chinlock, but Storm feeds off the crowd and shakes the hold. Kaz responds by throwing him from the ring and joining him back on the outside. Storm’s head echoes off the steel ring steps, and Kaz keeps up his pressure by delivering an ax handle from the apron. 

Back in the ring Kazarian goes back to the side headlock and is in total control of this match. The crowd once again wills Storm into this match and he throws elbows into his opponents gut until Kaz releases the hold. Storm fires off with right hand after right hand until Kaz rolls under the bottom rope. Storm is fired up, but Kaz comes out of nowhere with a springboard DDT. 

Both men slowly get to their feet, and Storm lands Closing Time. Storm charges up for the Last Call superkick, but Kaz ducks under it and goes for Fade to Black. Storm getse free and hits the superkick for the win! 

Winner: James Storm

After the match Storm grabs a mic and finishes his trademark: “Sorry, about your damn luck!”