11/29 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – Title on the Line, Morgan Returns to the Ring & More

The Aces & Eights are in their "club house" talking about who they're going to destroy next week in a match against Kurt Angle. Devon says he wants his TV title back, as he never officially lost it. He tells Hogan (the camera) that if he doesn't get Samoa Joe for the title next week, somebody is going to get hurt later on, and all hell will break loose. 

After a commercial break, the Gut Check guys are talking about Wes Briscoe's match last week. Taz brings up that Kurt Angle endorses the guy, which goes a long way. We cut backstage where Pritchard is with Kurt Angle, who again puts over Briscoe. D-Lo shows up and apparently somebody is missing. The implication is that it's Al Snow, but nothing was ever said for sure. 

EDIT: We interrupt this broadcast to bring you breaking news from the official Twitter account of Impact Wrestling: ….it was Al Snow.

Kazarian and Chris Daniels make their way out. Kaz tells AJ Styles that he's "sorry about his damn luck" and says that Daniels is going to embarass him at Final Resolution. And when it's all said and done, Daniels will be the "always and forever" better man. 

Commercial Break

3. James Storm & AJ Styles vs. Kazarian & Chris Daniels

AJ and Kaz lock up in the middle of the ring straight off, and Styles breaks it up only to run right into a drop toehold. The two do some mat wrestling, and Styles get the better of it. Styles misses a double knee strike; Storm tags himself in and hits the double knee strike. Styles tags back in again gets taken down by a big dropkick from Kazarian. The announcers are playing up that Styles if "off" tonight and Storm is landing everything. "The Cowboy" clears Daniels from the ring apron. He tries for the backstabber, but Daniels just gets back up and grabs his partner's hands to stop it from happening. Kaz off the springboard and lands a leg drop. 

Daniels and Kaz work over Storm in their corner with quick tags. AJ tries to get involved, but Earl Hebner stops him while the heels take advantage of the distraction. Kaz and Daniels do their Gangnam Style dance, while Tazz says this new fad sucks. He's wrong. It's awesome. 

Storm gets the hot tag to AJ Styles who fires up and takes down Daniels with some springboard moves. Styles leaps over the top rope to the outside, but crashes and burns. Kaz drags Styles back into the ring and the heels get a great powerbomb/neckbreaker double team move. AJ kicks out at two, and Storm pulls Kaz to the outside and into the steel steps. Styles goes for the Pele but misses; Storm tags himself in without anyone realizing it, and nails the Last Call Superkick wihle Daniels was going for the Angel's Wings. 

Winners: James Storm & AJ Styles

After the match Styles bails from the ring, upset that nothing he did in that match landed or made a difference. Storm shakes his head and they are clearly not on the same page. The commentary team puts over that AJ needs to get back into the game before he meets Daniels at Final Resolution.