Impact Wrestling Results (8/23) – AJ’s Paternity Test Results, TNA Gut Check, Aces Show Up To Fight Night

Sting runs into some of the Aces and Eights backstage, and he says their games aren't working so they should try something else, and he has one for them. He throws a deck of cards at them and laughs, then Hulk Hogan comes up behind them and attacks them with a baseball bat. Hulk says they better think twice about threatening his daughter, then he says he'll hurt them and tear out their hearts and shakes Sting's hand. Sting gets excited and says Hulk is back, and he says he's a bad man and he back for good, so it must mean it's Showtime.

TNA Gut Check

Chris Lewie vs Gunner

Gunner taunts Lewie and smacks him in the chest, then Lewie takes him down with a few hiptosses but Gunner sends him in to the corner. Lewie punches him a few times and hits a dropkick for a near fall, then he hits the ropes but Gunner knocks him down with a shoulder block. Gunner elbows him in the corner whips him across the ring, then he sends him back across the ring but Lewie avoids a clothesline. Lewie elbows him and hits a Samoan drop, then he goes up top but Gunner rolls away from a splash and hits a fireman's carry slam for the win.

Winner – Gunner

Bound For Glory Series

Ken Anderson vs
Bully Ray

Bully takes Anderson down but misses an elbow drop, then he backdrops Anderson and sends him into the ringpost as we go to a break. We get back and and Bully is choking Anderson on the ropes, then he backs up and hits a clothesline for a near fall before dropping him with a suplex. Bully bodyslams Anderson and goes up top, but Anderson rolls away from a slingshot splash and trades punches before Bully knees him. Anderson comes back with some elbows and a neckbreaker, then he whips Bully into the ropes and hits a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Anderson measures for a fireman's carry slam, but Bully's shifts his weight and falls on top of him, then he hits a neckbreaker for another near fall. (Cont'd…)