Bruno Sammartino Offers Thoughts On His WWE Situation has an interview up in their section with Bruno Sammartino.  They spoke to him yesterday to get more information from him on his feelings regarding WWE wanting to induct him in the Hall of Fame. Some highlights of the interview were as follows:

Sammartino said he was impressed with Triple H, who conducted himself as a gentlemen. Triple H wanted to get an open line of communication and move past the bad relationship between Vince and Bruno.

Sammartino feels because of the issues he's had with WWE, he wouldn't feel right accepting their invitation. He also doesn't like that WWE doesn't have a physical location and that they've inducted celebrities and non-wrestlers in the past.

Bruno said as Vince McMahon is in the company, he doesn't think anything will happen between the two sides.

Triple H mentioned to Sammartino that Madison Square Garden is being looked at as a possible location for the Hall of Fame ceremony.

Triple H told him that he respects the wrestling of the past and was trying to move away from some of the racier stuff in the past.