Backstage Fight at Extreme Rising, Next Event Dates Scheduled

According to, a backstage fight took place between New Jack and Balls Mahoney prior to the Extreme Rising Event last night in Philadelphia.

According to the report, there has been heat between Jack and Mahoney for several months, and the two nearly came to blows at the Extreme Reunion event back in April. The heat stems from comments Mahoney made in a recent DVD interview which upset New Jack, and it's being said that Jack confronted Mahoney when he arrived at the arena for last night's show and immediately hit him with a hard punch. The two were then separated for the rest of the night and it's said that the issues between them were eventually settled.

It was announced last night that the next scheduled Extreme Rising events will take place on the weekend of 9/21 in Pittsburgh, PA and Cleveland, Ohio. If those go well, the plan is to return to the Northeast in November.