WWE House Show Results (6/24): Bloomington, IL

WWE SmackdownThanks to Jack Knight for sending in the following:

I attended the Smackdown house show in Bloomington, Illinois last night. It was a decent show, but the arena was probably short of half full, so very disappointing in terms of attendance. I believe the ring announcer was Vickie Guerrero's daughter but not totally sure on that.

-Sin Cara def  Hunico

-The Usos def Prime Time Playas w/ AW

-Antonio Cesaro w/ Aksana def Yoshi Tatsu (did not see finishing move)

-Damien Sandow def Tyson Kidd with crossed arm neckbreaker

-Alicia Fox def Natalya w/ Kaitlyn as referee, with a roll up

Sheamus def Alberto Del Rio in a street fight for World Title. Rircard Rodriguez took a little kid's Sheamus sign and ADR and him took turns wiping their feet with it and kicking and punching it. Sheamus got it back and returned it to the kid only for ADR and Ricardo to take it again so Sheamus gave his shirt to the little boy. Funny part was when ADR acted like he was going to give his scarf to the boy he yanked it back and laughed at him then Ricard tried to kick the sign again and fell on his butt.  Sheamus wins with the Brogue kick.

Ryback def Heath Slater. Not typical squash with Slater getting in quite a bit of offense only to lose to the shell shock.

Christian def Cody Rhodes to retain the Intercontinental Title with a spear.

CM Punk def Daniel Bryan and Kane in a Triple threat for the WWE Title. Another funny part was with CM Punk taking a clown wig that a fan was wearing and put it on during his introduction in the ring. There was also a spot during the match where CM Punk and Daniel Bryan took turns kicking and punching Kane while Daniel would scream YES! and Punk would scream No! with each blow.  AJ came out towards the end of the match and just skipped around the ring and returned backstage, just enough to distract Kane. Punk hit the GTS on Bryan for the win.

Bigget Pops:

1)  CM Punk

2) Christian

3)  Kane (very interesting on that)

Biggest Heat:

1) ADR

2) Daniel Bryan

3) Cody Rhodes