TNA Impact Wrestling Results 6/21/12

Taeler Hendrix is shown backstage, warming up for her match as we go to commercial. As we come back J.B. is in the ring with Hendrix. He introduces her opponent for tonight's "Gut Check" segment, Tara. 

Tara vs. Taeler Hendrix

Tara starts out this match in the power position, bullying the younger Henrdix. After a snap suplex and kip-up, Tara takes her opponent into the corner and chokes her, breaking every few seconds for the referee. Taeler does eventually gain some momentum, hitting a Mickie James-esk move with Tara on the top rope. But eventually Tara's experience wins out, as she hits Taeler Hendrix with the Widow's Peak for the 3-count. 

Winner: Tara

Bully RayBully Ray finds Joseph Park in the backstage area, and tries to pick a fight with him. He says Park is lucky he's in the Bound for Glory series. Bully calls him a "stupid bastard" and says that if Park sits ring-side again for his match, it'll be the last time he, or Abyss is ever seen. 

We get a re-cap of the opener, with Austin Aries and Hulk Hogan's X-Division deal, before Samoa Joe comes out for Open Fight Night. He says that "nobody in the back has the guts" to call his name, and challenges James Storm to a fight. 

James Storm vs. Samoa Joe

Storm hits the ring and Joe immediately takes over with short jabs in the corner. Irish whip across the ring to the opposite corner, followed by Joe's signature splash and kick combo. Storm works his way out of a key lock, runs off the ropes, but is caught with a counter and ends up back on the mat. The two trade punches in the middle of the ring before Storm comes back with clotheslines and a big atomic drop. Joe hits a big kick with storm perched on the top rope, but after a quick counter Storm hits the Last Call Superkick for the win. 

After the match Samoa Joe picks up a beer bottle and looks to attack Storm with him, before eventually handing it to him as a "mutual sign of respect". We get some replays of the match as Joe stares down Storm from the ramp.

Winner: James Storm

A video package is shown highlighting the Dixie Carter and AJ Styles feud, including their feud with Kaz and Daniels and AJ's relationship with tag team partner Kurt Angle. Backstage AJ says that Dixie "is right" and that he's "falling apart" because he can't concentrate. He says "we're going to do this tonight" as we go to another commerical.