WWE Smackdown Results (6/15) – Number One Contenders Team Up Against Punk/Sheamus, Cena Calls Out Big Show

WWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

June 15th 2012

AJ comes to the ring because she wanted to say something before the show started, and she says there's a simple reason why she kissed Kane on RAW. Vickie Guerrero comes out before she can explain, and she says AJ is not the story tonight because everyone is talking about Dolph Ziggler being the number one contender. Dolph comes out and says two weeks ago he told the world he was better than teaming with Jack Swagger, and he went out and proved it. He says he stole the show and he won't let AJ steal his spotlight, but she says she wasn't paying attention. AJ calls him delusional for thinking he will be champion, then she calls Vickie his grandma, and Vickie gets pissed and slaps her.

Vickie tells her to shut her mouth and get out of the ring, but CM Punk comes out and says Vickie's voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard. He says they don't have to listen just because she says 'excuse me', and he doesn't think there is an excuse in the world to listen to here. Punk says Vickie promotes Dolph every week and he doesn't come through, and he remembers when Dolph lost to him at the Royal Rumble. He calls Vickie the 'Voice of the Pointless', and Dolph tries to say he is the voice of the next champion, but Daniel Bryan comes out and cuts them off.  Bryan says this is priceless, and he calls Punk a hero and says he is AJ's knight in shining armor.

Bryan says she has him wrapped around her finger, and he is having fun watching Kane and Punk make the same mistake he did. Bryan says she cost him his title at Wrestlemania, and if she is in Punk's corner this Sunday her bad luck will cost him his title. Sheamus joins them in the ring and says Bryan blames AJ for his loss, but he already proved that wrong and he says he looks like an ass. He says he was impressed with Dolph, but Alberto Del Rio's injury only allows him to beat Dolph again. Sheamus says they have a match scheduled, but he says he and Punk are ready right now, then he tells a referee to come out and start the match. AJ says if they are going to start now she has some unfinished business to take care of, and she tries to attack Vickie as we go to a break.