TNA Sacrifice

TNA “Sacrifice” PPV Results – May 13, 2012

TNA “Sacrifice” 2012

Results by Matt Boone for

TNA “Sacrifice” PPV Opener:

The TNA “Sacrifice” 2012 pay-per-view opens up with Earl Hebner trying to get Bobby Roode’s World Heavyweight Championship so that he can hang it from the rafters for tonight’s ladder match. Roode rants and raves about Hulk Hogan and says to tell Hogan that he will be getting that belt back tonight at Sacrifice. Roode then tells Hebner to get out.

That leads us into the TNA “Sacrifice” 2012 opening video package.

Following the video package, we enter the arena. The pyro explodes and TNA announcer Mike Tenay welcomes us to the Sacrifice 2012 pay-per-view broadcast. Tenay gets to work, hyping tonight’s main event between TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode and Rob Van Dam in the aforementioned ladder match. From there, Tenay sends it to the ring where a TNA World Tag-Team Championship match will kick things off.

TNA World Tag-Team Titles: Samoa Joe & Magnus (c) vs. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

Out first are the challengers, Daniels and Kazarian, to a negative reaction from the crowd. Next, the TNA World Tag-Team Champions Samoa Joe and Magnus come out to a nice reception from the TNA fans. Daniels and Magnus will start things off for their respective teams. Daniels is in control briefly early, trying to work over the arm of Magnus. Magnus quickly reverses things, and has Daniels on the mat now. Daniels tries fighting back, but Magnus overpowers him time and time again. Magnus hits an awesome vertical suplex on Daniels. Magnus and Joe double-team Daniels briefly before Joe tags into the match. Joe is a ball of fire and is taking it to Daniels in a major way. Kazarian pulls Daniels out of the ring to give him a quick breather. Daniels gets back into the ring and immediately tags Kazarian in. Magnus tags back in as well. The babyfaces remain in control as Magnus is working over Kazarian will relative ease thus far. Shortly thereafter, Daniels hits Magnus from the outside, allowing Kazarian to take control of the offense finally. Kazarian gets in some offense a bit before tagging Daniels back in. Daniels picks up where Kazarian left off, as now he’s getting in some offense on Magnus. Daniels mocks Joe on the outside, something Joe wasn’t too pleased to see. Daniels and Kazarian tag each other in and out a few times, each taking turns beating on the babyfaces. The heels are in firm control of the match at this point. Joseph Park is shown sitting in the crowd. Meanwhile, the heels are still working over the babyfaces in the ring. After being stuck in a Kazarian-submission hold for a while, Magnus finally fights out, and flattens Kaz. Both guys are down. Magnus and Kaz both manage to take their partners in. Joe is in off the hot tag, and the babyfaces are showing their first signs of life in quite a while. Magnus tags back in after Joe beats up on the bad guys some more. Meanwhile, Joe eats a big boot from Daniels, followed by a DDT from Kaz to take him out of the contest. Magnus is taken down neck-first on the top-rope by Kaz, and then taken to the mat with an STO. Daniels misses the Best Moonsault Ever and falls victim to the Magnus/Joe finishing-combo. However, when he goes for the pin, Kaz manages to break the count. Magnus and Daniels both end up inside the ring, but Kazarian takes Magnus out with a big chop block, and a high-low double team leads to a pinfall victory. We have new TNA World Tag-Team Champions, folks!

Winners and NEW TNA World Tag-Team Champions: Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

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