WWE To Begin Filming NXT At University In Florida

NXTAccroding to PWInsider.com, WWE will begin filming episodes of NXT and FCW television at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida.

It was reported several weeks ago that WWE was scouting the university gymnasium as a potential spot to use for developmental in addition to the facility in Tampa, Florida.

The tickets for the events at Full Sail University will be free to students and staff as long as they reserve in advance. The shows are being advertised as WWE Superstars Showdown and will begin at the University on Thursday May 17th.

Company officials hope the "university feel" will give the show better crowd reactions as well as to upgrade the look of Florida Championship Wrestling programming. This project is heavily supported by Triple H who is advertised to be at next Thursday's event as well as World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio and WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Epico and Primo. Events are also scheduled for June 14, July 5, July 19, August 9, August 23, September 6 and September 20.

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