TNA “Lockdown” PPV Results – April 15, 2012

TNA "Lockdown" 2012 Results

Results by Matt Boone for

Lockdown Opener:

The show begins with James Storm putting his bags in his truck, talking about how Bobby Roode has made their feud personal. He calls tonight the biggest match of his career. He welcomes Roode to his town — Nashville.

Backstage: Team Garrett

Backstage, Team Garrett is shown talking with each other. Garrett comes in and asks to go to the ring first tonight. Styles is worried that Bischoff has no experience. Garrett says he knows he'll lose, and he knows he's a rookie, but he wants to show he has as much heart as anyone else.

Lethal Lockdown: Team Eric vs. Team Garrett

Garrett Bischoff, as expected, is first out to the ring. Gunner is out first for Team Eric. Gunner and Bischoff stare each other down. Bischoff lands a few punches. Garrett hits a few. Both guys are fighting back and forth. Gunner gains control of the offense and is now laying a beatdown on Bischoff. The next entrant in the match comes to the ring, and it's Bully Ray. Ray and Gunner double-team Garrett for a while. The crowd is chanting for Austin Aries. The next entrant makes his way to the ring, and whatta-ya-know, it is Austin Aries. Aries comes in swinging at Ray. Aries is a ball of fire early on. Ray eventually gets control of Aries. Kazarian comes out as the next man in the match. Ray and Kazarian double-team Aries while Gunner beats up on Garrett. Next out is A.J. Styles. Styles slams the cage door into Kaz's face early. Styles takes out Gunner with the Pele kick. Styles is working over Ray in the corner. The next guy to come out is Daniels. Daniels heads right at Styles. He beats up on him along with some other members of his team for a bit. Next out is Mr. Anderson. Anderson is a ball of fire. After a lot of offense is traded back and forth, the final member of Team Eric comes out, and it's none other than Eric Bischoff himself. Eric goes straight at Garrett. The heels are in complete control at this point. The final clock countdown happens and out for Team Garrett is Rob Van Dam. Lethal Lockdown officially begins. RVD is blasting everyone with kicks. Anderson calls for the mic to come down, and instead a bunch of weapons are lowered into the ring. Bischoff cowers in the corner of the ring while everyone uses a variety of weapons on each other. Aries and Styles finally spot Bischoff and go to work on him. A lot of guys hit their finishers on each other. Daniels picks Garrett up off the mat, but Garrett counters and goes for the pin. Eric has a kendo stick and breaks up the pin attempt. Eric hits Garrett over and over again with the kendo stick, breaking the stick in doing so. Eric begins gloating. Garrett returns to his feet and smashes a guitar over Eric's head. Garrett pins him and gets the 1-2-3.

Winners: Team Garrett

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