Complete OVW Television Results – April 7, 2012

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With TVD in recovery mode from Miami, this is my final week as his designated sub on the Ohio Valley Wrestling television report. It’s been fun.

This is episode #659, taped April 4 at the Davis Arena with air date of April 7 on WKYI in Louisville, the “go home” show for the April Saturday Night Special taking place tonight at the Davis Arena, headlined by Rob Terry vs. Trailer Park Trash with the stipulation that one of the dueling authority figures, either TPT or Josette Bynum, will lose power as a result of the outcome; Plus OVW Heavyweight Champion Johnny Spade defending the title against his tag team partner Shiloh Jonze and Paredyse vs. Brandon Espinosa – if Paredyse wins, he will play the tape of Espinosa’s alleged gay activities.

Veteran OVW TV announcer Dean Hill will do his first ever podcast interview on the April 15 edition of OVW Overview. The show airs live on GWH radio at 2pm Eastern time. Check it out at the link below.

The show opened with a clip of Rob Terry knocking out Trailer Park Trash with one blow at the end of last week’s show.

The OVW announce crew was back in full force for the episode with Hill being joined by Gilbert Corsey and Kenny Bolin.

TPT came to the ring to address the situation. Trash said that for 20 years, he had shed more blood and busted his butt more than anyone else in the company. He admitted that Terry had twice knocked him out cold with sucker punches, and said he wasn’t afraid of him. “I’m standing here right now. I haven’t went nowhere.” TPT said he didn’t want to wait for tonight and called Terry out. Josette Bynum tried to talk Terry out of getting in the ring. Terry shoved Bynum aside. TPT met Terry with punches. Terry shrugged them off, but TPT ducked his KO punch and clotheslined him out of the ring. Terry was fuming. Bynum was screaming her fool head off. Terry threw Corsey onto the floor and tried to bring the vacated chair into the ring. Security intervened. Trash dove over the top rope onto the pile.

Returning from the break, a pull apart brawl was in progress. Corsey was in shock but unharmed.

OVW owner Danny Davis hit the ring and restored order. Davis ordered TPT, Terry and Bynum back to the locker room. Davis was livid about Terry and TPT having a match for control of HIS company, and he was sick of the board of directors telling him he couldn’t set foot in his own ring. Davis said he needed the fans to be at the Saturday Night Special to support TPT, so they could end this once and for all.

Michael Hayes was trying to talk Paredyse into showing him the Espinosa tape. Paredyse said he had it hidden on his phone, and he was saving it for the Saturday Night Special. Unbeknownst to Paredyse, Espinosa and Chris overheard what he was saying. Paredyse skipped out of the room in his short dress with his buttocks flapping in the breeze. Bolin Services 2.0 entered. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Michael Hayes, the peg-legged professional wrestler,” said Prince Bolin. Hayes got in Prince’s face despite being outnumbered 6 to 1. Bolin suggested a match against Jack Black. Hayes said he had already beaten two of Prince’s goons so why not? Bolin chalked it up to dumb luck and distractions, and shot a barb at Moose Thomas. Hayes had a staredown with Black. Advantage Hayes.

OVW Television Champion Christopher Silvio and his manager Mo Green made their tie-dyed psychedelic entrance. Green said Silvio was dominant like the Kentucky Wildcats and Anthony Davis – “except he’s twice the man and half the eye brow.” Silvio read off a list of conquests during his 106 day reign as champion. It included Bart Gunn, seasonal allergies, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: The Manhattan Project and Mohamad Ali Valdez. Ricky Chevy came out and ran his mouth like he was a big deal. Silvio kept calling him Bobby Hill, which was hilarious since the resemblance is spot on. The fans picked up on it with a “Bobby Hill” chant. Silvio offered Chevy a title shot and let him try the belt on for size.

(1) OVW TV Champion Chris Silvio (with Mo Green) defeated Ricky Chevy in 25 seconds.

While Chevy was strutting around wearing the belt, Silvio nailed him with the Psychedelic Superpunch. Silvio sat on Chevy in the meditation position and referee Joe Wheeler counted three. Silvio said Hill was number 27. “There is a god,” said Bolin.

Espinosa (with Chris) asked Adam Revolver where they could find Paredyse’s bag. Revolver said Pardeyse sometimes changes in the women’s locker room so good luck getting in, unless maybe Chris could get in. Espinosa got offended and said Chris would need a license to get in the locker room. Revolver approached X2C, who where in their usual mindless party mode. Revolver said he needed one of their girls. Casey had no problem offering one up.

(2) Anarquia & Raul LaMotta defeated Baronis Brothers (Brent & Brandon) via DQ in 2:25.

Baronis Bros are 20 year old twins with a combined weight of 310. They hit the ring using hair picks on their sizable Afros. Los Locos toyed with them until the Southern Tag Team Champions Jesse Godderz & Rudy Switchblade came out to stir up trouble. The distraction did little good for the Baronis Bros. Godderz and Switchblade pulled the brothers out and attacked them. Los Locos and the champions skirmished, with Los Locos standing tall at the end.

Godderz said Los Locos weren’t going to embarrass them, and they could never embarrass “Mr. Pectacular” as long as he had his shirt off. The heel champions indirectly issued a challenge for the Saturday Night Special and the babyface challengers accepted. This was about as awkward and ass backward as it gets.

Espinosa and Chris were in search of Paredyse’s bag when they ran into Tony Gunn selling his happy pills. Gunn said males take two daily and females take one, so how many would Chris take? In the most effeminate voice possible, Chris said he didn’t take vitamins, he did homeopathic therapies. The camera panned over to catch Spade and Jonze arguing about which one was responsible for the problems they had last week. It did not end on a harmonious note.

(3) Michael Hayes defeated Jack Black (with Prince Bolin & Moose Thomas & Rocco Bollagio & Joe Coleman & Mickey) in 4:48.

This was ugly. There was a spot early in the match where Black fell down when he missed a haymaker and Hayes sold it anyway. Black mauled Hayes. Bolin ripped Corsey and Hill for calling Mickey “Mikey” throughout the show two weeks ago. Black had Hayes beaten with the big splash, but Prince ordered him not to make the pin. Mickey jumped into the ring to check on Hayes. Black threw Mickey down and Thomas got between them to protect Mickey. In the midst of the craziness, Hayes hit his finisher to pin Black.

Bolin Services 2.0 worked over Hayes, all except Thomas who was still protecting Mickey. Bellagio planted Hayes with a chokeslam. Bellagio stood over Hayes’ crumpled body and said his luck would run out at the Saturday Night Special. Meanwhile, Prince was having a staring contest with Thomas.

Mohamad Ali Vaez ordered the cameraman into the ring to shoot him in extreme close up as he delivered his message to Jamin Olivencia. Vaez called Olivencia a bully for making an unprovoked attack on him during his match last week. Vaez said besides TPT, there was nobody in the building that had dripped more sweat, shed more tears, or bled more blood than him, and Olivencia was a coward that for attacking him from behind rather than face-to-face. That brought Olivencia out. Vaez looked like had soiled his panties. Olivencia had three points. Point 1 – Two weeks ago, Vaez cost him his title shot by interfering in his match. Vaez said he didn’t remember it. Point 2 – the guy calling him a bully picked on Michael Hayes one-legged army veteran for the last year. Vaez said that wasn’t the way it happened. Point 3 – Vaez was getting his face-to-face confrontation right now. Vaez said Olivencia spun stories and he would love nothing more than prove he was the better competitor. Olivencia said let’s do it at the Saturday Night Special. Vaez said OK, but did so like a man that had been backed into a corner and beaten at his own game.

Taeler Hendrix and Dylan Bostic approached Randy Terrez, who had a deck of Tarot cards.

Hendrix asked Terrez to tell them their future. Terrez drew a card. Hendrix cut off his explanation and said she knew what it meant because her grandmother’s cousin’s aunt’s friend used to do Tarot. Hendrix told Bostic they were going to get married. Terrez shook his head. The camera then followed Espinosa and Chris into the bathroom where the pulled Paredyse’s phone out of his bag. Espinosa clicked on the video, but it was Paredyse asking “Espy” if he really thought it was going to be that easy. Pardedyse jumped out from his hiding place and roared. Espinosa and Chris ran off.

We saw Adam Revolver inflict further damage to the relationship between his brother Ted McNaler and ring announcer Brittany DeVore. Revolver told the X2C slut to molest McNaler, while he summoned DeVore. McNaler told the X2C girl to get away, but DeVore had already gotten an eyeful and walked off. Revolver peaked through the door with a big smile on his face.

(4) X2C (Sean Casey & Raphael Constantine with their bevy of beauties) defeated former OVW Tag Team Champions OMG (Johnny Spade & Shiloh Jonze) in 5:54.

The disintegration of OMG was clear from the get go. Bolin said he detected an ego problem with Spade since winning the title. OMG tried to one up each other as they beat up on Constantine, using hard slaps for tags. OMG started making blind tags and arguing over who should be in the ring. That gave X2C a chance to attack. OMG used a moment of teamwork to dispatch with X2C. OMG started shoving each other around. Constantine capitalized with a roll up on Spade, and Jonze never moved a muscle to break it up.

The OVW crew did a first class job of setting up the big show with this episode. They put an exclamation point on the main event with that opening segment. Davis gave it the hard sell treatment as did Hill on commentary. They put entertaining finishing touches on the Spade/Jonze and Paredyse/Espinosa, and added three more matches. The verbal confrontation between Vaez and Olivencia was tremendously effective. The stuff between Hayes and Bolin 2.0 is nuts but intriguing. Only the tag title match came across as a throwaway. It will be interesting to see how well this Saturday Night Special draws.