Impact Wrestling Results (3/22) – Three Title Defenses, Sting Steps Down As GM, Who Does He Ask To Replace Him?

Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Rosita & Sarita vs Eric Young & ODB

ODB chest bumps Rosita into the ropes, then she goes for a bronco buster but Rosita dives out of the way and makes a diving tag to Sarita. She kicks ODB a few times then dances and pulls her up by her hair while EY tries to kick at them from the apron. Rosita tags in and goes for a corner splash, but ODB rebounds with a diving clothesline and shakes off Rosita before making the tag. EY does a bunch of cartwheels and takes off his pants to show off his trunks, then Rosita and Sarita flirt with him while a pissed off ODB sees it. She slams Rosita on the mat and throws Sarita out of the ring, then she yells at EY about flirting back but kisses him and throws him on Rosita to make the pin. 

Winners – Eric Young & ODB

Crimson is shown watching Matt Morgan in a car insurance commercial, then he pauses it and says Morgan wanted to further his acting career at his expense. He says it wasn't going to happen and he took care of the trash, and the weight off of his back feels really good. Crimson says they will go one on one next week, then he tries to get away as Morgan runs at him but he gets sent to the ground. Morgan beats the crap out of him until agents run over and break them up, but Morgan screams that Crimson is a dead man as he crawls away.

James Storm comes out says he wants to talk about rights and wrongs, like how football is only 18 weeks when it should be all year long. He says Bobby Roode was wrong at Victory Road and he isn't a man, and Roode is looking at the next world champion because he is going to make everything right. Storm calls Roode out to the ring but a man in a suit comes out instead, and he says he is Roode's legal advisor and he has something to Roode. He says Roode will remain at home until further notice because they think that TNA is an unsafe working environment. He says the only obligation Roode has is at Lockdown, and if Storm wants a fight tonight he can take it up with Christopher Daniels and Kazarian. Storm is given the choice of opponent, but he says he will make it easy and he will fight both of them, then he takes the man's glasses and says he won't need them. Storm says he has a message for Roode, then he hits him with the Last Call before saying sorry about your damn luck.