TNA “Victory Road” PPV Results – March 18, 2012

Backstage: Jeremy Borash, Eric Bischoff & Austin Aries

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Austin Aries. Borash announces that they will be taking questions from Twitter for all of the guests backstage at Victory Road tonight. The first question asks when Sting will smarten up and let Aries main event a TNA PPV. Eric Bischoff breaks in and asks if Borash is really here. He tries sending Borash away. Borash asks if Bischoff’s name is Dixie Carter. Bischoff ultimately sends him away anyways. Bischoff grabs the microphone and sings Aries’ praises. He apologizes for Aries having to spend any time with Borash. He re-asks him the Twitter question. Aries says he doesn’t have to be the last match on the show to be the main event. Aries says he’s always the main event, no matter where he’s positioned on the card. Bischoff and Aries kiss each other’s ass one more time to end the segment.

X-Division Title Match: Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion

Aries and Ion get in each other’s faces as soon as the bell rings. Ion slaps Aries. Aries charges but Ion bails out to the floor. Ion grabs his hairspray can and gives himself a little spritz. Ion catches Aries with a boot to the stomach. Aries grabs Ion’s hairspray and takes a break in the corner, to Ion’s chagrin. Ion charges and Aries catches him in a roll up for two. Aries slaps Ion across the face and hits him with a couple clubbing blows, but Ion rolls to the apron. Ion heads up to the top turnbuckle, and Aries simply shoves him off to the floor. Aries hits the heat seeking missile which sends Ion to the barricade on the floor. Aries pulls a telephone out and tweets a message before handing his phone to So Cal Val. Aries sends Ion back into the ring and hits a slingshot senton and lionsault, but can’t keep Ion down. Aries hits a snap mare and follows with a missile dropkick to the back from the second rope. Aries puts Ion down to the mat and calls for the pendulum elbow, but Ion rolls to the apron. Ion pulls Aries out of the ring, forcing him to the floor. Ion hits Aries with a back elbow before clotheslining him over the top and out to the floor. Ion goes out to the apron and launches himself from the second rope with a moonsault to the outside on top of Aries. Aries goes for the corner dropkick, but Ion uses the hairspray, and rolls up Aries. Aries kicks out. Ion hits a giant suplex and goes for another pin but Aries is still able to kick out. Ion charges Aries in the corner with a spear, before seating him on the top turnbuckle. Ion tries hitting Aries with a superplex but Aries reverses into a sunset flip-bomb. Aries is still blinded, struggling to see as he moves around the ring. He eventually finds Ion and hits the brainbuster on him before rolling through into the Last Chancery. Ion taps out.

Winner and STILL X-Division Champion: Austin Aries

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