Impact Wrestling Results (2/16) – New #1 Contenders For Knockouts and World Title, NY Giant Makes An Impact

Eric Bischoff comes out to the ring with Gunner, Ric Flair and a woman, and calls his son a punk ass and says he tried to tell him he was wasting his time, but Garret should find another job because he should never think about stepping foot in the ring again. Eric wishes him good luck then toasts everyone and drinks champagne while we find Bully Ray talking about his calves. He says his match with James Storm shouldn't even happen because he had the match on Sunday won, but he is going to Bully Bomb him and go on to face his good friend Bobby Roode. Eric Young finds ODB and apologizes to her about Valentine's Day, then asks her to sit down while he sings to her and says it's his ode to ODB. He sings about a turd from a tall horse and ass slapping, then she says it is getting hot in here and says she will give him a present now and leads him away.

Number One Contender's Match

Bully Ray vs James Storm

Bully Ray ducks under the ropes to avoid Storm, then they finally lock up in the corner and Storm punches him a few times before whipping him across the ring. Storm hits a corner clothesline then hiptosses him, but Bully trips the ref and he drops some elbows on Storm's leg then goes outside and slams Storm's leg on the apron. Bully pulls his boot off and continues to attack his leg, then he rolls in the ring and applies a leg scissors but Storm grabs the ropes. Bully steps on his leg then pulls his kneepads off and slams his knee into the mat, and follows up by punching his calf and putting him in a single leg crab submission. Storm kicks out of a pin attempt and tries to grab Bully's chain, but Bully knocks it out of his hand and punches his leg as we go to a break. (Cont'd…)