Ring Ka King

Complete 2/4 Ring Ka King Results; World Title Match Set

The show starts from lock room area where Harbhajan Singh is talking with Veera about is match with Steiner, also present is the Ring Ka King commissioner Jazzy. As Harbhajan leaves Sonjay Dutt, Magnus & Steiner enters and have a verbal spat with Veera.

First match is between Steiner & Veera, where Steiner wins. Magnus accompanied Steiner to the ring, while entering Steiner is taunting the crowd as well. The match was fairly good, back & forth fight between both the superstars.

Backstage we are introduced to 3 new superstars, Zema Ion, Jimmy Rave & Roscoe Jackson.

Second match is a 6-Man tag team match between the team of Zema Ion, Jimmy Rave, Roscoe Jackson & Isiah Cash (former WWE, Luke Gallows), Hollywood & Braodway. This match was a certain high flying match but Zema picked up the win for his team. Post match while the winning team celebrated, Cash comes in and hits out at all of them. Hollywood & Broadway comes in to celebrate, Cash chokeslams even them and says to stay from him & his bike.

Backstage there was an interview with Matt Morgan.

American Adonis comes out with Shera, and chooses a fan from the audience whose name is Karan to unlock the Adonis lock. He also failed in unlocking the Adonis lock, put up a small fight. As Adonis went on to celebrate, a dwarf comes on stage and pleads Adonis to fight him but is thrown away by Adonis.

Backstage Chavo talks about the attack by The Sheikhs last week and says that he has a tag partner and challenges The Sheikhs for a match.

Last match is between Matt & Sonjay which Matt won. Sonjay is accompanied with Magnus & Steiner to the ring.. Both of them were send to backstage after the refree found them to be interfering. Sonjay put up a small fight but eventually lost. Steiner comes up & carries the belt and have a verbal spat with Matt while Harbhajan stands at the entrance & claps.

It’s Matt Morgan VS Scott Steiner for the Ring Ka King title match.

For tomorrow’s episode a divas match, a tag team match & the title match has been showed.