WWE Smackdown Results (2/3) – Elimination Chamber Entrants Named, Henry Suspended, Orton/Barrett No DQ Main Event

WWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

February 3rd 2012

Teddy Long starts in the ring and says he is there to announce the participants in this year's Smackdown Elimination Chamber match, and says Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett, Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Mark Henry, and Randy Orton are all in. Teddy starts going over the rules and wishes the participants good luck, then Mark Henry walks out to the ring and says he doesn't like this at all. Henry says he doesn't like his odds and it's worse depending on his number, but Teddy says he lost Sunday so he should be happy he is in it at all. Henry says he deserves a shot and he shouldn't have to thank him, then says Teddy should take him out of the match and give him a title shot tonight.

Teddy tells him he won't be pushed around and he will honor Henry's request and takes him out of the Chamber match, but also tells him he's not getting a title match tonight either. Henry gets pissed and smacks Teddy's tie and tells him he is replaceable, but Teddy tells him there's consequences and he is suspending him. Henry grabs him and says if he is getting suspended he better get his money's worth, then he goes to attack Teddy but Sheamus comes out and makes the save. Sheamus gets in Henry's face then Brogue Kick's him out of the ring, then he tells Teddy that he didn't choose his Wrestlemania opponent yet.

Cody Rhodes comes out and says he doesn't want to fight, and tells Sheamus no one will remember his win because they will remember all of his eliminations. Cody says he did all the work, and he is going to win the title and go on to be the first dual champion in WWE since the Ultimate Warrior. He says that it is fitting that he brought that up, because Sheamus and Teddy are both like Warrior in that he can't ever understand a word they say. Sheamus motions to Teddy and Teddy says he is glad Cody is there, because he is going to face Sheamus in a match right now.