Eric Bischoff’s Wife Speaks On The Release Of Her New Book

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The following are interview highlights with Loree Bischoff:

What gave her the impetus to write her new book (“Common Sense Happiness”): “I’ve been a pretty happy person no matter what has come my way throughout my life, and there different principles that have worked well for me. I could share those with my clients while coaching, but I really felt the need to reach out and share them with more people, so what better way than to write a book. Especially now with the holiday season, it’s a time of year when a lot of people get extra emotional, and get the holiday blues, and the climate on the country is a little bit depressed. So, I thought that there are things that you really can do that no matter what is going on in your life, you still don’t have to be miserable.”

The message she wants to send to those who read the book: “I really want people to understand that it doesn’t matter if you’re a wealthy person and if you have a big house on the hill. There’s all kinds of things we have to deal with in life, and we all hit speed bumps & different situations. We can’t always control the situation that we find ourselves in, but we can always control how we are going to react & respond to those situations, and that’s the key.”

Whether the criticisms that her husband (Eric Bischoff) has received over the years have been justified: “No, of course not. I’m sure there is a fair amount of criticism, and Eric would admit that he has made his fair share of mistakes and would do things differently. He’ll jump up and say that, but I have read & heard lots of things over the years that I go ‘Wow, where does this come from?’ People just don’t know when they are on the outside looking in. It’s like trying to see the whole mansion from keyhole in the front door, and then you make a judgement on what’s going on inside from outside. Most of that stuff is coming from a place of a distorted perspective, so you really can’t take it seriously.”

Check out the complete interview online at