Complete WWE NXT Results – December 21, 2011


The following results are courtesy of Ashley Mann, Bill Cable and

Dark Match:

1. Ted DiBiase defeated Dean Ambrose. DiBiase got a great reaction. Ambrose cut a typical heel promo about how we should respect him even though we suck. Ted won with Dream Street.

WWE NXT Taping:

1. The Uso Brothers defeated Derrick Bateman and Johnny Curtis.

2. Trent Barreta defeated Curt Hawkins (w/Tyler Reks). Reks and Hawkins locked Yoshi Tatsu in a storage closet before the match. The crowd didn’t really know how to root for or simply didn’t care.

3. Kaitlyn defeated Maxine. Kaityln got the win after Derrick Bateman distracted Maxine.

4. Tyson Kidd beat Percy Watson. The match was pretty good. Kidd won in about five minutes.

5. Titus O’Neil defeated JTG (w/Tamina). Darren Young was at ringside and attacked Titus after the match. This concluded the NXT tapings.