WWE RAW Results (11/28) – John Cena Visits Piper’s Pit, Is Punk’s First Title Defense Successful?

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

Dolph tries to take out Orton's legs but he gets blocked and put in a headlock, then escapes and goes for a hiptoss but Orton counters. They go to lock back up but Dolph kicks him in the ribs then whips him into the corner but Orton reverses it and hits a hard clothesline that sends Dolph rolling to the floor. He gets back in and Orton hiptosses him, then "methodically" (credit: Cole) stomps Dolph and drops a knee and backs up for another, but Dolph rolls out of the way. Dolph goes for a cover then punches Orton in the corner and Orton tries to counter with a neckbreaker, but Dolph throws him to the apron and superkicks him to the floor. 

Orton is slow to get up as Dolph goes out after him, and he slams Orton's head into the ring steps then rolls him inside and kicks him into the corner. The ref backs him off and Dolph tries a corner splash, but Orton moves then hits a few European uppercuts until Dolph gets a two count after a neckbreaker. He drives his elbow into Orton's neck then goes up top, but Orton meets him with some punches then climbs up and they slug it out on the top turnbuckle before Orton hits a superplex that gets him a two count.

Orton and Dolph are slugging it out after a commercial break then Orton drops him with some clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton smiles then stares at Wade Barrett at commentary as he throws Dolph to the apron and he hits the hanging DDT. He sets up for a RKO but Dolph slides out to the floor then says let's go as Orton stares at him. Wade leaves the table and tries to attack Orton but he sees it coming and throws Wade to the floor, but Dolph surprises him from behind and hits the Zig Zag for the win.

Winner – Dolph Ziggler