*Spoilers:* Complete WWE Smackdown Results For Tonight

WWE SmackdownResults Courtesy of PWInsider.com:

*The entire roster is assembled and Johnny Ace cuts a promo about Triple H's job as COO then introduces the new World Heavyweight champion, Mark Henry. Henry cuts a promo and says it took him 15 years to win the title and he won't lose it for 15 more years. HHH comes out but before he can speak, Christian jumps in and says that as a former three time champion, he's a leader and should get a title shot. HHH makes Christian vs. Henry in a Lumberjack Match as the main event tonight with the entire roster as Lumberjacks. The winner will face Randy Orton at the PPV.

*Sheamus defeated Heath Slater with the Brogue Kick.

*Christian ties to talk to Great Khali and get him to help him during the match when he's a Lumberjack tonight.

*Wade Barrett pinned Justin Gabriel.

*Matt Striker interviews Randy Orton, who said that he was either getting his title back or going to Hell.

*Christian tried to get Ezekiel Jackson on his side in the main event.

*Beth Phoenix and Natalya defeated AJ & Kaitlyn.