WWE RAW Results (9/12) – Punk/HHH Final Confrontation


Alberto Del Rio is already in the ring and he says it's going to be like this and if they are going to boo him, he can take it, but last week John Cena gave him an Attitude Adjustment and they made fun of him. He tells the crowd no one makes fun of him because he took out Rey Mysterio, he retired Edge, and he beat CM Punk so he will teach Cena a lesson and they had better stop making fun of him. He calls himself the greatest of the great, then gets interrupted by some familiar music, and Bret Hart makes his way out to the ring.

Bret calls Alberto 'amigo' and says he didn't come out to disrespect him, but he wants to give him some advice since he sees a guy that wears the belt, but doesn't know how to be champion. He asks how he can call himself a champion when he is all style and no substance, and he needs to face all comers and leave it in the ring to become the best. Alberto says he is making fun of him, and says Bret looks like a homeless person and says he is the best there is, not Bret. Tonight, Alberto will make an example out of Bret, and they start taking off their gear before they are interrupted by John Cena.

Cena says he doesn't agree with Alberto, and he sees a WWE Hall of Famer when he looks at Bret, but he thinks Alberto grew a set because he is finally standing in the ring with him. Cena tells him to go home and take his car with him, because he is the champion for six more days and Cena is man enough to look him in the eye and tell him he will beat him. Alberto says they should go right now, and Cena says he likes that idea, then Alberto says they should give the fans what they want and it should be Cena against… Ricardo? Cena says he gets it, he wants to wait until Sunday, but if they want to have a special match, they should see Alberto put the title on the line against Bret Hart. John Laurinitis comes to the stage and introduces himself, and says on behalf of HHH, they will see a tag team match with Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez facing John Cena and Bret Hart.