Update On Sin Cara, New WWE Creative Member Start Date

Update on Sin Cara

This past weeks Smackdown tapings featured Sin Cara who was played by Hunico. This is the second week that he has been under the Sin Cara mask rather than Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde who wrestled as Mistico in Mexico. PWInsider is reporting there was no discussion of what to do about Sin Cara at this past weeks tapings and they proceeded as if nothing was different. We would have to wonder that the longer Hunico continues to play Sin Cara with no major disuccsion taking place among the WWE executives, it can't be good news for the Alvirde to return.

New Creative Member Start Date

It was reported that a new member of the creative staff was hired who previously worked at The Baltimore Sun and by the name of Kevin Eck. He is set to start work with WWE on 8/29.