HBK Discusses Angle & WrestleMania, Injury Update, More

-In an interview with IGN Sports before the Royal Rumble, Shawn Michaels talked about working with Kurt Angle at WrestleMania 21:

“I think people would like to see Kurt Angle and myself get in there and perform with one another. I think he’s an amazing athlete, a talented wrestler, and it’s a match people probably don’t think that they’re going to see. Again, I’m all about new challenges and climbing the mountains I’ve never climbed before, as I know he is, and it’s something that I think we can bring to a big show that people will enjoy”…

-Angle was seen on television clinching his right hand after an exchange with Shawn Michaels which may mean he is once again feeling tingling in his hands stemming from his neck problems.

-Kevin Sullivan was backstage during some WWE shows during their last swing through Florida. This has lead many to believe that the former WCW booker may be offered a position within WWE.