Amy Weber In Lesbian Scene; Candice On FOX News, & More

[Source: PWInsider]

— Thanks Keith Weilamann for sending in the following:

“I was surfing around the net, and found out Amy Weber was in a movie called “Forbidden Games” in which she has a lesbian scene. Makes you wonder how bad she’s going to be ribbed by the boys when they find that out, huh?”

— Thanks to Chris Nisler for the following:

“I caught Candice Michelle on a tiny snippet of FOX News Channels Hannity & Colmes where Alan Colmes did an interview with her on his radio show…some quick details…

-Said that she auditioned in LA via satellite on GoDaddy’s last stop for auditions. They had been to NY and Chicago previously.

– They told her at the audition what they would have her doing with the strap and for her to show off her improvising skills and have fun with it.

-She found out she landed the gig from her agent and she was excited to be in her first Super Bowl commercial

-Finally she said it was an exciting experience, but she is even more excited about being in the center of the commercial’s controversy.

All and all a very short interview…she came off like she wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and that the only thing she has going for her are…well ya know…but I thought I would send this along.”