Randy Orton Gay Magazine; DiBiase-WWE Update, Brooke Hogan @ WM21?; More

– Based on reports out of New Zealand it would appear that Randy Orton is going to be on the cover on Gay Express Magazine, which I’m sure he is not happy about. The cover will feature a title of “Feeling Randy? – Is the WWE courting gay fans?”

– The Triple H cameo on Fox’ Bernie Mac show airs on 3/18.

– An update on the Ted DiBiase story. The handshake WWE deal he has is to come in for a couple of months and work as an agent and on the creative team. This is the same job Kevin Sullivan was under consideration for earlier this year but talks never really got started despite us being told that he was a lock to come in at the Royal Rumble. Road Warrior Animal (Joe Laurinaitis) is still in talks about a number of opportunities.

– Jimmy Hart has been telling people that Brooke Hogan singing at Wrestlemania 21 could be on the cards but he doesn’t know for sure. The current plan has Lilian Garcia but if the Hogan’s get their way she would have to give up the spot.