(Spoilers) WWE SmackDown! Taping Results

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Dark Matches:

Bobby Wesley beat Johnny Jeter.

Vito beat some jobber. Nunzio was supposed to defend the Cruiserweight belt against him, but he said the jobber had to get through Vito first. Of course, Vito squashed him. After the match, Nunzio said the guy did a good job and that he could have a title match next week. But then he said he’ll give it to him now. Two dropkicks and it was over.

Then, Romero and Mathews came out for Velocity commentary.


Mathews interviewed William Regal. He asked why he turned on Scotty 2 Hotty. He said his mother told him never to trust a man with blonde hair and a black mustache, which got a laugh. He then went on to say that he’d gone soft over the years, and that he was going back to his old self. Scotty then came out, got beat on by Regal for a bit then turned the tables on him. Scotty then went for the Worm and Regal bailed.

Ken Kennedy beat a local jobber. He kept mentioning he was from the US which got lots of heat, and referred to himself as Mr. Kennedy.

Hardcore Holly beat Steven Richards in a pretty good match. Might be the Velocity main event.


SD opens with a ladder in the ring. Eddie comes out, and he got a huge pop and the crowd started a pretty loud “Eddie” chant. He said Teddy Long was right to make the only match that could settle this: a ladder match. He then went on to say that he is going to be the one to climb the ladder and get the papers, and he was going to win this match for all the fathers out there. Also he said that Dominick would become the greatest Guerrero of all and that this Sunday, he was going home with Eddie.

Melina and Mercury beat Booker and Sharmell when Jillian tripped Sharmell when she was about to do the scissors kick.

They played Chris Benoit’s Finger Eleven video. Then they showed Sharmell and Booker backstage, where Sharmell asked Booker where he was during the match (Mercury held his leg while Melina pinned Sharmell) and she went on to say that she was there for him 24/7 and he better step up.

Then they showed Benoit warming up backstage and OJordan came and said he better be ready for Summerslam. Then they showed Animal and Heidenreich backstage and Animal said it was time for Heidenreich to take the final step… And then gave him LOD shoulderpads. The whole crowd groaned.

Animal and Heidenreich squashed a couple jobbers. Candice was the guest ring announcer. She looked hot. She was the highlight of the match. They were announced as the Legion of Doom. Hawk must’ve rolled over in his grave.

Then Funaki interviewed JBL. JBL said Batista was stupid for letting him pick the No Holds Barred stipulation. He then went on to guarantee a win at SummerSlam, and said he gets to pick an opponent for a No Holds Barred match tonight, and that he chose Funaki.

JBL faced Funaki in the NHB match and destroyed him. Right before he was about to beat him, Batista came out and beat JBL with a chair. He said that since JBL was making guarantees, he’d make one of his own: He said “this million dollar body and 5 cent brain would kick his ass at SummerSlam”.

Rey Mysterio faced Simon Dean. On his way to the ring, Simon told Rey he looked pathetic and that he could help. He said that because his family is shrinking, he offered to give him the Simon System at half off. During the match, we did the wave!! Anyway, Rey won with the top rope legdrop in a pretty short match. Rey seemed very upset throughout the whole match and wasn’t very enthusiastic.

The Peep Show was next, and Christian came out to a HUGE pop. He said if you thought last week’s show was great when he interviewed Batista, this week he was going to interview the man who kicked Batista’s ass last week: himself. Then the Mexicools came out and started to destroy his set. They then proceeded to beat the hell out of Christian when he tried to stop them. Then the Mexicools all sat on the couch and they said their catch phrase about not being Mexican, but being Mexicools. Christian then left to a big ovation.

Josh Mathews interviewed Rey and he said that he sees Eddie everywhere he goes. He then called Eddie a son of a bitch and reminded us of how Eddie told Dominick he loved him and was coming home with him. Rey then said that Eddie may be Dominick’s biological father, but Rey raised him and he was his family. Then he said at Summerslam, Dominick is coming home with him.

Randy Orton beat Chris Benoit in a Summerslam 2004 rematch, which took place in this arena. After the match, the lights went out and The Undertaker appeared. He chokeslammed him and ran his hand across his throat. He then left the ring with Orton laid out. They stared each other down as SmackDown went off the air.