Vince McMahon For President?, More SSlam Backstage News has been updated with a couple of new features this morning.

First, video clips from SummerSlam were added. See clips of Hogan and Michaels, Batista, Orton and his father, Cena/Jericho, and more.

Also from SummerSlam, 23 photos have been added to the SummerSlam mini-site at the WWE web page. See photos from every match on the PPV last night!

And finally, today’s poll at asks the question, “Would you vote for Mr. McMahon for President?” with the options being “yes” and “no.” The current results as of this writing have “yes” a significant favorite, 69% to 31%. This is more play off the clip they aired last night of Vince McMahon getting into a presidential limosine and claiming he’d run for president because, “why not?”