RAW/USA News, HHH, Piper On ESPN, Jackie’s Future, More

Credit: PWInsider.com

The USA Network has a link on their main page for a contest where you can win a trip to the 2006 Royal Rumble in Miami.

Jerry Lawler will be on the five year anniversary of the Below the Belt Show. To listen to the radio show live, you can visit belowthebeltshow.com at 9:00pm Eastern time tonight.

BSN, a sports nutrition company, announced that they have signed Triple H to a one-year endorsement deal, starting next month.

WWE has ads on trashcans all over Manhattan plugging the 10/3 jump for Raw to USA. Dog wrote, “The three are ads for WWE Homecoming on USA. One features Triple H. One has Torrie Wilson. The third is Carlito. The signs look really classy. Just spotted a couple locations.”

Newswire.com has an item promoting the appearance of former WWE Diva Jackie Moore in “the new horror cult film Sin-Jin Smyth.” They also have a photo gallery of her from the film, which you can view at this link.

On ESPN.com today, they have a story mentioning “The Top 5 Reasons You can’t Blame Roddy Piper for Hitting Jimmy Snuka with a Coconut”. Surely there has to be more than five!

MediaLifeMagazine.com has a recap of the cable ratings for the week ending on 9/18, which of course includes RAW.