Several TNA News & Notes Plus Other Misc. Wrestling Notes

Some sort of two hour wrestling special will air on The Sci-Fi Channel on Tuesday, May 30th at 7 p.m.

Harley Race recently sold his house and bought a condo on the same Lake of the Ozarks. His new condo is slightly bigger than his old house and he can now throw a fishing line directly from his patio.

Buff Bagwell was recently on JG’s Radio Free Insanity online radio show on When asked about Rob Conway, Buff said, “God bless him – the Rob Conway deal. I heard about that. I could just puke.” Bagwell also said that Conway stole his gimmick and tried to look like him. He then said that fans would just think of Buff when they saw Conway, which to him, is a shame. Bagwell credits Conway as a good worker and feels bad that he’s often jobbed out. Bagwell said that he has never met Conway, however, he was told to check him out on television. When Buff first saw the new gimmick, he wasn’t mad. Bagwell said that the object of the wrestling business is to be unique.

Kevin Nash is scheduled to make a special appearance at this Sunday’s Sacrifice PPV. Some of the X Division wrestlers will be confronting him due to the disparaging remarks he made about the X Division in interviews in the last two episodes of Impact. SPOILER NOTE: Chris Sabin has been penciled in as Kevin Nash’s next feud.

Global iMPACT! will now be seen on the official TNA website because last week’s edition of the show caused the YouTube server to crash due to high viewership. TNA is still allowed to house their smaller videos on YouTube though.

As if we haven’t plugged it and told you about it enough, but is our new website which is completely dedicated to providing you with the latest news on ECW’s full-time return. The site is updated daily with all the latest from ECW. It’s also got a forum section with lots of diehard old-school ECW fans. If you’ve got some extra time on your hands, please be sure to give it a look.

Have a good weekend!

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