Update: Vince McMahon ‘Dead’ After RAW

The following is from WWE.com:

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. â” A night originally designated Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night turned deadly when the WWE Chairmanâs limousine burst into a fiery explosion just moments after Mr. McMahon stepped into it. Permanently uprooting the world of sports-entertainment, the Chairman has been presumed dead in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Local authorities stated it was still too early to declare anything as fact, including exactly what caused the explosion, but they described the blast as an apparent âcar bombing.❠They also revealed that as of 11:30 p.m. EST, no body had been recovered from the incinerated wreckage.

Firefighters were quick to assess the scene, taping off sections of the parking lot to protect scores on onlookers â” mostly our fans â” from potential injury. Despite the intense heat and ubiquitous clouds of black smoke, countless people spilled out of the arena to get a closer look at the chaos they had just seen happen live on the Titan Tron.

âBy the time we arrived on the scene, the entire automobile was on fire,❠explained a Wilkes-Barre firefighter on the scene. âIt was like an inferno and our guys were doing whatever they could to contain it as quickly as possible. In my 27 years with the fire department, Iâve never seen anything like that.â

The emblazoned limousine was engulfed by flames that reached skyward at estimated heights of more than 50 feet. The sight of the charred debris led to speculation that there was no conceivable way anyone could have escaped from the limo alive. Early assessments from local firefighters and police officers sent a similar feeling regarding the probability of the Chairmanâs survival.

âWeâre doing our best to respect the McMahon family and the fans of WWE,❠the firefighter said. âHowever, with that said, we have not found anything â” there hasnât been confirmation that Mr. McMahonâs body was extracted from the limo.â

As the physical body of Mr. McMahon remains to be uncovered, perhaps the most perplexing piece to this puzzle is the Chairmanâs uncanny, almost clairvoyant premonition of tonightâs grim events. Over the last few weeks on WWE programming, the swaggering, well-off billionaire seemed to unravel right before the eyes of millions. Speaking of a threatening presence that lurked in his foreseeable future, Mr. McMahon even cited the looming of a âblack cloud❠last week â” a cloud very similar to the post-combustive smoke that billowed above his limousine tonight.

Was this evening an eerie prophecy fulfilled for Mr. McMahon, given his recent premonitions? Or was it simply a fateful execution of coincidence? The ominous reality is that what was brushed off as incoherent ramblings of a broken man and former ECW World Champion actually may have proven to be an exercising of a recently discovered sixth sense.

Sources say given the nature of the apparent car bombing, federal authorities may be called in for a more thorough investigation that would supersede local Pennsylvania authorities.

Check back with WWE.com as we continue to follow developments in the most shocking incident in sports-entertainment history.

NOTE FROM US: Obviously this is 100% purely storyline from WWE.com. Ahh, how the website has changed since Stephanie and company took over.