Huge Title Match Set for Raw Tomorrow, Kowalski Update

It appears that Killer Kowalski’s heart is now beating on its own and he is responsive. Although he has improved slightly, it should be noted that he is still in very serious condition.

WWE’s free Summerfest event in Venice, CA today was reportedly a huge fan draw. Here are the results of the 3 matches that took place:

-John Morrison & The Miz d. Tommy Dreamer & Stevie Richards

-Funaki d. Chavo Guerrero

-Eve Torres & Jimmy Wang Yang d. Carlito & Maryse

In a tag title rematch from last week, John Cena and Batista will be defending their newly won gold against Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase on Raw tomorrow night. Also confirmed is an appearance by Lance Cade, JBL challenges CM Punk to something he says he knows for sure he will win, and Adalme attempts to find out what’s in Kane’s bag.