Layla Update, JR Blogs On Benjamin, National Conventions, More

Jim Ross updated the blog section of The following clips are highlights:

Ross on WWE sending wrestlers to the Democratic and Republican National Conventions: “Interesting note that several WWE wrestlers are attending the upcoming Democratic and Republican National Conventions. It’s good that some wrestlers want to see the political process of selecting our Presidential candidates and not just do a drive by for a photo op even though there will be plenty of those. I’m not sure who’s going where but I do know that Batista and President Bill Clinton would have a helluva time together considering they are both socially inclined. We don’t do many politics on this site but I will tell you that I haven’t decided who I am going to vote for come November. Professional politicians who can’t even balance our country’s check book and who govern only to be reelected and not to better our country have used up all their ‘passes’ with me.”

Ross on Shelton Benjamin: “Really nice, old school match on Friday Night Smackdown between Finlay and Shelton Benjamin. Both men wrestled aggressively and in a bad mood. I loved the physicality. It seems as if Benjamin is starting to come into his own. Amazing athletic gifts like Shelton’s should be taken advantage of by the bearer. I like what I have been seeing lately from the amateur standout from the University of Minnesota.”

Ross on young wrestlers watching DVDs as part of their training: “What if every wrestler in any training program or wrestling school were given DVD’s of a specific wrestler who the students resembled, wanted to emulate or performed like in the ring? The follow up would include written exams. Gasp… you mean a young wrestler would have to actually watch a DVD and study and retain the info that they were seeing? Yes, that’s the general idea. Good role models are needed in all walks of life not just ‘rasslin. I know many wrestlers that are big stars today eho are some of the biggest DVD watchers of any of the wrestlers.

As you’ve most likely noticed, Raw Diva Layla El has been off TV for the past few weeks. It’s being reported that her mother recently passed away, and as she noted in a recent blog she is indeed still with the company.