Shelly Martinez Has Her “Date” Pulled, Early SD! vs Raw ’09 Preview

Shelly Martinez’ so called “date” has been pulled from ebay and has been re-listed as a “win a lunch” auction instead. Martinez posted the following on her myspace blog last night: “There have been some problems and the ebay will return tonight I will post a bulletin and blog when it is back up with the problems fixed.” My guess is that the auction was pulled because winning a “date” with Shelly could be interpreted as some form of prostitution, which although I’m sure it’s not, would be something that Ebay would be against listing. On the new auction, which can be found at this link, Martinez wrote in her blog: “Hey everyone!! Here is the new link to the eBay auction!! Thanks for all your support and I look forward to seeing how this whole thing pans out 🙂 yay fun!! – Shelly.” A percentage of the auction winnings will go to the City of Hope Cancer Center. featured a hands-on review of the forthcoming WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 video game at this link.