Kurt Angle Speaks On Breaking Into Wrestling, Benoit and More

Thanks to WZ reader Dermot for sending this in:

Kurt Angle was a guest on the Ray Foley Show yesterday afternoon in Dublin, Ireland.

He talked about how he got into wrestling and the fact that he didn’t watch WWE until he joined in early 1999, mentioned that his whole family were originally big into amateur wrestling and how he ended up being better than all of them by winning his gold medal in the Olympics. He went on to talk about being worn out by all the training after the Olympics and just decided to stop.

During the time off before WWE, he told us that he went to do motivational speaking and eventually getting a job as a sports broadcaster which in turn was how he started watching WWE. He said that The Rock and Stone Cold were his inspirations to start pro wrestling. He got a tryout, did well in it and then 10 months later he beat Rock for the title.

Once again, he made it clear that wrestling isn’t fake and you have to take care of yourself in the ring as safety comes first with wrestling. He talked about not having an off season and the life on the road can be tough. He also said that they wrestle on plywood , that its no mattress they’re falling onto. He says that he doesnt train heavy anymore and tries to save his body for his matches.

The rest of the interview consisted of plugging TNA and there was a funny moment when the interviewer asked a question from a e-mailer, is everything “real” down in the trunks. Angle said his was but awhile back Big Show had this thing that went all the way down his leg but that he did it as a joke . He complemented Show for his athleticism for such a large athlete and how he can have a great match in the ring yet, at the same time he can be playing jokes on you.

He said his toughest ever match was either against Undertaker or Chris Benoit.

Everything he said was out of character so it made for a fun yet insightful and interesting interview.