Ring of Honor stops hyping events, other news

September 29th ROHwrestling.com Newswire – Matches for 10/24 & 25 Plus More…

-This is the all new no hype ROHwrestling.com Newswire. We know you are tired about hearing how “big” matches are or how “huge” the card will be. All this empty hype looks the same after a while. Now, we are just going to present the news to you and then let you form your own opinions without any hype central type stuff. Ok, some hype might slip in just because we get excited, but the ROHwrestling.com Newswire will be 99% hype free now.

-The card for 10/24 in Danbury, CT is really taking shape now. Just signed is Go Shiozaki vs. Austin Aries and if Shiozaki is still FIP World Heavyweight Champion the belt will be on the line. A grudge match has also just been signed. It will pit Jimmy Jacobs vs. The Necro Butcher. These two bouts join the first ever Iron Team Match pitting Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Davey Richards & Chris Hero vs. ROH World Tag Team Champions Kevin Steen & El Generico. Tickets are now available for under $10 at www.ROHwrestling.com as part of The Big 10 Sale.

-ROH “New Horizons” had its PPV premiere over the weekend. You can still catch replays on iN DEMAND this Wednesday at 6pm and this Friday at 8pm. These replays will be on iN DEMAND’s primary PPV channel (501 on most systems). Check here http://www.indemand.com/product/view/92089 for more replay times and a video ad. If you have The DISH Network you can see it on DISH’s All Day Ticket today, tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday. Here is what Dave Meltzer wrote about the PPV in the October 1st Wrestling Observer Newsletter: “This show delivers two hours of good to excellent wrestling in front of the hottest PPV crowd in a long time. They are crazy into every match, from the Briscoe Brothers squash match in the opener, to the strong ROH title match with Nigel McGuinness (vs.) Claudio Castagnoli, and in particular, the masterpiece of the event with Danielson and Black.”

-The Big 10 Sale is now on at www.ROHwrestling.com with over 120 ROH DVDs for only $10 each, $10 tickets to several upcoming shows and 10% off your entire order. Click http://www.rohwrestling.com/news/article.aspx?id=860 for all the details of the sale including a list of DVDs available for under $10 each when you combine sales. DVDs available for the first time for $10 include “Motor City Madness 2007” (Takeshi Morishima vs. Erick Stevens, Naomichi Marufuji vs. El Generico), “Undeniable” (ROH’s 3rd PPV plus bonus matches) and “Survival Of The Fittest 2007” (a must for Chris Hero fans).

-We are sorry to report that the 10/10 & 10/11 Florida events are postponed. We will announce the make up date in the near future. We apologize for any inconvenience, but this was ROH’s only option at this time. All tickets for 10/10 & 10/11 will be honored at the next Florida events TBA soon. We hope you understand and we promise to make it up to you in the future.

-The scheduled 10/12 FIP event will now be on Saturday, October 11th in Crystal River, FL. The Go Shiozaki FIP World Heavyweight Title Match vs. Roderick Strong will now take place on 10/11 in Crystal River. Also signed for this event is Kenny King & Jason Blade vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe for the FIP World Tag Team Titles. There will be more matches announced soon. Check www.FullImpactPro.com for more info.

-Larry Sweeney announced on his office voicemail (215-781-2250) that he was pulling Adam Pearce and the NWA World Heavyweight Title out of ROH. You can listen to the voicemail for more details. Sweeney is trying to pull a major power play here.

-Check out JD Dunn’s review of ROH’s “Northern Navigation” DVD from Toronto: http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/video_reviews/85530/Dark-Pegasus-Video-Review:-Ring-of-Honor-â“-Northern-Navigation.htm

-The next edition of the ROHwrestling.com Newswire will have more matches for 10/25 in Edison, NJ. This week will also have talent rosters for 11/7 in Montreal and 11/8 in Toronto as well as the first matches for both those shows. Tickets for all three events are now less than $10 as part of The Big 10 Sale at ROHwrestling.com.

September 30th ROHwrestling.com Newswire – 2 Matches For Edison & More News

-ROH “New Horizons” will replay on iN DEMAND tomorrow (Wed.) at 6pm and Friday in prime time at 8pm. Check out what the readers of Figure4wonline.com had to say about the pay-per-view, which got nothing but thumbs up: http://www.f4wonline.com/content/view/6893/

-Ring Of Honor will return to Edison, NJ on 10/25. The main event will see Austin Aries team with The Motor City Machine Guns of Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin to take on The Age Of The Fall of Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black & Delirious. If you saw ROH’s “Fueling The Fire” DVD you know why this match is happening. Two more matches have been signed for 10/25 in Edison.

-Jerry Lynn has joined the ROH roster and is looking to climb the rankings. Davey Richards is set to return full time to ROH after spending the summer touring for Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan. Both men need wins to accomplish their goals. Only one will walk out of Edison with a victory. 10/25 will see Jerry Lynn vs. Davey Richards.

-Go Shiozaki is looking to put together a respectable FIP World Heavyweight Title reign. He is taking on a workhorse schedule with a defense at the 10/11 FIP event in Orlando against Roderick Strong. If he is successful he will put the championship on the line against Austin Aries on 10/24 in Danbury, CT. Now he has made that weekend even tougher. If Shiozaki retains the title against both Strong and Aries he will defend it on 10/25 in Edison, NJ against The Necro Butcher. If Shiozaki loses the belt in any of these defenses all these scheduled matches will still take place. You can get tickets for under $10 as part of The Big 10 Sale at ROHwrestling.com.

-We want to alert you that The Big 10 Sale continues into Wednesday morning at www.ROHwrestling.com so you can get over 120 ROH DVDs for only $10 each, tickets to several upcoming shows for just $10 as well as save an additional 10% off your entire order. You can combine the sales so the tickets and DVDs are actually less than $10. Click here for all the info and a list of $10 ROH show, shoot interview and Best Of DVDs: http://www.rohwrestling.com/news/article.aspx?id=860

-There are some interesting Best Of DVDs as part of The Big 10 Sale. If you like The Brian Kendrick on Smackdown check out his stuff while he was Spanky in ROH with “The Best Of Spanky – Danger, Danger” and if you want to see CM Punk’s roots get “The Best Of CM Punk Vol. 3 – The Legacy Continues” or “The Best Of The Second City Saints – Chicago’s Elite” and of course there are other Best Ofs for Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Roderick Strong, Christopher Daniels and Colt Cabana (Scotty Goldman on Smackdown) for only $10 each until tomorrow morning at ROHwrestling.com.

-Ring Of Honor is set to make its long awaited return to the Pittsburgh area on Friday night, March 20th, 2009 with a 7:30pm belltime. The event will take place at Court Times Sports Center, 95 Elizabeth Drive, Elizabeth, PA 15037. Tickets go on sale Wednesday, October 1st at 11am EST on www.rohwrestling.com.

-The Briscoes are talking some trash on new ROH World Tag Team Champions Kevin Steen & El Generico. Click here for the details: http://www.rohwrestling.com/news/article.aspx?id=2298

-If you are new to ROH and overwhelmed by the over 200 shows then check out this article dividing ROH’s history into chapter points. The newest chapter was just decided. Click here for the article: http://www.rohwrestling.com/news/article.aspx?id=2297

-The next no hype ROHwrestling.com Newswire will have a talent lineup and the first match for both the 11/7 Montreal debut and 11/8 return to Toronto. Get tickets for under $10 at ROHwrestling.com until tomorrow morning.