TNA Adjusts LAX’s Entrance For Their Move To HD

LAX, Homicide & Hernandez, have been using a special entrance area specific to them for quite a while now, rather than the face & heel entrances used by the other stars.

Beginning at the tapings this week that entrance is being phased out and Hernandez & Homicide will come down the ramp, as faces I assume.

Likely this is simply a step toward changes planned when a new set is introduced soon once High Def tapings begin in Orlando. It is my understanding the new set will have one entrance way rather than two much as TNA did in Nashville, and like WWE has now for all three TV shows.

At one point ECW used a special entrance but that was eliminated some time ago as it made the show look “smaller” when the stars came out of a small entrance way, plus it limited pyro and other effects.