Balls Mahoney DVD Update, Orton/HHH, Batista Video, Edge

Edge retained his spot at number one atop the "POWER 25" rankings on Also in the top three, Triple H and Randy Orton traded spots. Orton dropped from number two last week to number three this week, and Triple H the opposite.

Nathan Ward sent along the following to As stated in the previous press release, Thats Incredible Home Video was set to release Balls Mahoney vs. The EWA, which was set to be released on DVD in April. In construction of the DVD, it was found the footage was not the right resolution to be DVD quality, and in trying to restore the footage, it was damaged beyond repair, so therefore, unfortunatly, Balls Mahoney vs. The EWA will not be produced on DVD. We apologize for any inconvenience. To make up for this mistake, we will be releasing DVDs of Balls Mahoney, Justin Credible, and friends on the road. Please visit for details.

Scott D. sent along the following to Just thought I’d sent through that Batista was recently in New Zealand and Australia doing promotional work. He was on New Zealand’s premier 6:00pm news talking about the film ‘The Wrestler’, Randy Orton and more. You can watch the appearance on YouTube by going to: