TNA iMPACT Closes In On WWE ECW In Ratings War

Whether you credit the addition of Mick Foley to the TNA roster and product or TNA’s improvement in building up the iMPACT Main Events, what can not be denied is that TNA is close to overtaking WWE ECW in the season to date rating average.

For the 19 week period from January 5 – May 15:

WWE ECW average rating = 1.263

TNA iMPACT average rating = 1.227

TNA iMPACT is trailing WWE ECW in season to dave rating average by just . 036 points

If current rating trends continue I’d expect TNA’s iMPACT average to excede WWE ECW’s average within the next month.

WWE Raw’s average is approximately 3.6 rating

WWE Smackdowns average is approximately a 2 rating

Bear in mind that cable ratings are based on the audience reach of each individual network.

AC Nielsen Media Research