Former Wrestlemania Participant Slammed by GLAAD

GLAAD (The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) has issued a statement to claiming that former Wrestlemania participant and film actor Mickey Rourke regularly uses the word "faggot." The statement is as follows:

"This is a slur that, regardless of what Mickey Rourke has convinced himself that it means, is often the last word that gay people, and gay youth in particular, hear before they’re bullied, harassed or assaulted.

Rourke is showing himself to be painfully ignorant of how this vulgar, abusive slur feeds a climate of anti-gay hatred, intolerance and violence.

Rourke either needs to figure this out, or media needs to stop giving him a platform for promoting these kinds of slurs."

Rourke has subsequently defended himself by saying that the word "faggot" does not imply "gay," but that it is on par with a word such as "punkass."