JR On Shane Leaving WWE, Todd Grisham & Snoop Dogg/Raw

Jim Ross has updated his blog over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some highlights:

"No website has any definitive news on why Shane McMahon resigned from his family’s company, WWE, on Friday. Perhaps more new sites will elaborate on this matter come Monday as Friday is always the best day to drop big news as sometimes it gets somewhat lost on the weekend. Nonetheless no one knows why Shane seemingly abruptly decided to leave the family business and I don’t feel that any one will know the reason until he declares what his next venture will be.

Shane has a great formal education not to mention years of ‘on the job’ training since starting out on the ring crew as a teen during the summers. I know Shane has many interests and who’s to say that he simply wants to reassess where he is in his life and spend more time with his family which includes two sons? Until Shane himself makes an official statement as to what he is going to tee up next, then everything anyone can read, report or write about is pure speculation. Shane has excellent people skills and a unique skill set in a one of a kind genre that employs basic promotional and organization skills that should be transferable to many businesses."

"With Todd Grisham entrenched in marital bliss as I write this and on his way to Aruba, I will work with a new partner in Columbia, South Carolina Tuesday night when we tape the last Friday Night Smackdown prior to next weekend’s Bragging Rights PPV. Perhaps Jerry "The King" Lawler will reunite with yours truly for this broadcast while Grisham, WWE’s version of Ryan Seacrest, is on his honeymoon. Let’s all just start this rumor and see if it can become a reality. You got to admit that it’s good ‘dirt.’ I can see it now on some wrestling websites, ‘JR says he will work with King on Tuesday in Columbia.’"


"I am not going to be in Jacksonville but would enjoy slipping into town and just hanging out on Snoop Dogg’s tour bus Monday night."