Updated TNA Turning Point Card: 7 Announced Matches

TNA is advertising the following matches for their Turning Point PPV which airs next Sunday, November 15th:

TNA Title Match:

-A.J. Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Daniels

Singles Match:

-Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe

Singles Match:

-Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner

TNA Tag Team Title Match:

-The British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns

6 Sides of Steel Match:

-Awesome Kong vs. Tara

TNA X-Division Title Match:

-Amazing Red vs. Homicide

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Match for The TNA Knockouts Title and The TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles:

-ODB, Taylor Wilde and Sarita vs The Beautiful People