Shane Carwin Says UFC Should NOT Strip Lesnar of the Title

In what appears to be ongoing controversy surrounding the current Brock Lesnar/UFC Championship situation, The Heyman Hustle has posted up an article containing a blog from Shane Carwin, the opponent Lesnar was supposed to face this month, in which Carwin says that UFC should NOT strip Lesnar of the Heavyweight Title. Carwin’s official blog on the situation was originally posted on an MMA newsboard, and the following is an excerpt: "You do not have to support Brock and his antics but you should have respect for the human side of what is happening here.  Talk of stripping a man of his title due to illness will set this sport back farther then anything Brock has ever said. We need our Champions healthy and defending. I know the show will go on but to be a Champion you must beat a Champion."