WWE House Show Results (11/29): Maryse Returns, More

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6) Miz d. Evan Bourne – really good match and Bourne was the hardest worker on the show.  Miz got his knees up when Bourne went for the shooting star press, and then pinned Bourne w. the stroke.

7) HHH & Kofi Kingston d. Legacy – ending saw Legacy get the upper hand, then Hornswoggle came out and hit Sweet Chin Music on Cody’s knee (which he no sold).  But the distraction allowed HHH to hit the pedigree and Kofi to hit his spinning kick for the double pin.

8) John Cena d. Randy Orton – typical good match between the two, even though you can pretty much call all the spots.  Only match with really sustained heat throughout.  Orton went for the punt, missed, and Cena turned it into Attitude Adjustment for the pin. 

First half of show was brutal, but main event was good, and crowd went home happy.